Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

~I heart Breastfeeding~

No really..I do! It's so easy too..although I know some of you out there do not want to hear me go on and on about how easy it is, seeing lots of people have had trouble. I love the bonding and it relaxes me when we feed. Sure the first few days were painful, no doubt about that, but after sticking it out, one day she latched and the pain was fleeting..just for the first few initial sucks, and then ahhhh.... nothing.

I feel bad though because Scott hasn't been able to give her a bottle yet, and all she does is scream for 2-3 hours after he comes home...although that will change tonight! She was able to take a bottle yesterday from me, drank 2 oz in 15 minutes and promptly passed out cold. So tonight the plan is for Scott to give her her "dream feed" (the last feeding before she is put to bed) and see how she does. It will be awesome to see those two together too! He needs the (positive) bonding as he is convinced she hates his guts..every time he picks her up she screams..poor guy. He even said the other day, "All she will love me for are my credit cards."

And on a completely random and different note I need to give a shout out and a HUGE thank you to my mom who has driven 2 hours every day this week so far to help me out and hang out with the little girl. She rocks!


Amy said...

I too fall into the lucky camp of easy breastfeeding - so nice when it's one less thing to worry about. Glad to hear that's going so well!

Lisa said...

I'm at the part when I think I'm supposed to consider weaning in the somewhat near future but hate the thought of things being less convenient (and less cuddly)..I'm glad you're enjoying it! And Scott and Madelyn will bond soon enough!

The Sturtz Family said...
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Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Glad things are going well. Don't worry Scott and Madelyn will bond soon.