Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ankles..what ankles?

So we had a bit of a heat wave here in these parts..well for April was pretty hot..high 80s low 90s and some humidity to boot. My ankles wanted no part of it so they promptly made a run for it. My right one has come back for the time being, however the left is still on hiatus. The feet did get a nice soak in some chilly water yesterday which brought down my body temperature, but I still needed the third shower.

You know, how most people have "3 squares a day", I was having "3 showers a day"..I just felt so gross, ya know? Sweaty in places you never want to be sweaty..and powder can only go so far until you begin to make plaster of Paris and an eventual inadvertent body cast of yourself.

I also thought the swelling may have spread to my boobs too, as they seemed to be busting out of the bras that I bought. .and also in that hope was the thought of it being temporary. Alas..the temps and humidity have left and the boobs are still there in all their new bras for me again..gah..this pregnancy thing is getting expensive. What also kinda scares me is that I am already at the limit of DD..what comes next and where in the hell do you find those!? Just the other day I realized the shorts that I found on clearance purchased a size too big (at the time) a few months not fit me I had to replace those too! The upside is that it will still be blazing hot after the baby is born so when all starts to shrink back to normal I can use them as transition shorts. Gotta look on the bright side!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh dear...

At this very moment my baby ticker says I have 107 days to go. My 3 digits of cushion are melting away.. Someone did say to me, "those babies go by fast"..she wasn't kidding! Eep!

Monday, April 20, 2009

~Dancing Queen~

The wee bairn has begin to dance dance dance..all day and almost all night. Scott gets a kick (literally) out of her kicking him when he puts his hand on my belly. He just gets so giddy and the grin on his face could not be any wider. I just laugh and tell him, "See what I have been going through all this time? She beats me up from the inside out!" My belly has even begin to visually move, which is a bit creepy I have to admit. Amazing how strong she is already! Scott keeps saying, "Oh I can't wait until I see an arm move across your belly.." Well keep really isn't all that comfortable to be honest when she decides to do her flips, jumps, and kicks, especially when my bladder seems to be the dance floor!

On another note, I do seem to be feeling better although the congestion won't quit. I don't think I'd mind so much if I was able to blow my nose and be done with it. As it is, it's going to opposite direction, which basically makes me gag all day long.

Room still isn't painted.

Oh well!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

~Just add insult to injury~

So, not only do I have heartburn, hemorrhoids, and a unhappy sciatic nerve, but now a sinus infection and all its glories. Ever sneeze or cough with hemorrhoids?'s no fun let me tell you. This really sucks. Thankfully I don't have a prissy doctor, so I am on round 2 of the Z-Pak, Claritin, Benedryl, and Puffs Plus with Vicks (best invention ever) so hopefully this will be cleared up by the end of the week. Needless to say all that painting I was so psyched up about doing..yeah..the room is still white and waiting.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

~Committed to paint color~

Well, I bit and bought the paint for the room. And yes I did splurge and pay over $47 bucks for this fancy Benjamin- Moore zero VOC paint that is LEED Certified, Certified GreenGuard for CHildren and Schools, 100% acrylic, virtually odroless and all that jazz. I think Scott would think I was uits if I decided I wanted to change all the paint in the house to this type, but I actually got no argument at all from him when wanting to use it in the baby's room.

Maybe because he himself is currently studying to become LEED Certified himself, or he just knows that right now when I make my mind up one something there is no changing it unless he wants to pay the hormonal fee, which assure you is not pleasant.

Now that I see in the picture it seems that the color I chose does not match the valance, however, I assure you that in real life, it certainly does.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

~The saga of the belly-ring~

So, I thought I was doing the right thing purchasing a PFTE belly ring for pregnancy. For those of you who are not familiar with what PFTE is basically flexible Teflon tubing that can be sterilized and is used in surgical procedures throughout the USA. It is used widley in the creating of belly rings that are recommended for pregnant bellies seeing it can flex with your body and all that jazz.

So I buy one and go to my local piercer, Georgina Williamson of Black Diamond Body Piercing, LLC, so she can change it out for me. Why? Well, I have read that some piercings, no matter how long you have had them in can close within days or even minutes, and I wasn't taking any chances.

I go, and we change it out, no big deal. It's fine for the next few days and then suddenly WHAM..the pain, the redness and the seeping comes. I tried to fix it with saline soaks and Dial soaks; I basically treated it like a new piercing, but nothing worked, the problem seemed to stalemate.

So I go back and ask her what to do. She recommends replacing the PFTE with a surgical steel rod because it seems like I am having an allergic reaction to the PFTE, which, is not unheard of I later researched. Within a matter of minutes my belly already felt better with the surgical steel and it has been less than 24 hours and it already looks better.

Of course Scott was just grossed out by the whole thing, and he says it looks funny and makes my belly not look cute anymore seeing the rod is so long. Although I don't think my belly looks cute now anyways, but I assured him that it's a temporary thing and the reason the rod is so long is so my body can grow around it, and in a few months it will not look that out of place. He is such a "in the moment" kind of guy sometimes so it was hard for him to visualize. And of course, going back to my previous post of not feeling sexy, his comments made my hormones rage and I wept like a little kid who lost their favorite toy to the neighborhood bully.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

It's a beautiful thing, right?

Gah..if you can get past the heartburn, headaches, and hemorrhoids!

I feel like I am 100 years old. Between my sciatic nerve and my new found friends "The Hemorrhoids", life couldn't be better!

I bought a 'sitz bath' and and slowly becoming a large shareholder in Tucks.

I mean seriously, I was having issues feeling sexy before and now, well forget it. The only way I know what sexy means is to look it up in the dictionary.

I can't see my knees, my left leg cramps up when I get up from a sitting position, I burp (and fart) all night long, and it hurts to take a shit and to wipe my own ass. If this is what pregnancy is like, kill me before I get to experience what "old" feels like.