Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

~No "ifs" or "ands", just butts!~

So we had out first exploding diaper yesterday. I have to say it wasn't that bad, although I am sure it just a precursor of things to come. A wee bit skirted out the back and hence we had to change our outfit and "Zoo Friends" went into the wash. She was so proud of herself too and gave me a big old smile! In fact, she has started to smile in response to our smiles. Her whole face lights up. It's just precious.

I'm also wondering when she will be in size 2 diapers, seeing we are almost out of size 1. Ok well by the looks of it we aren't almost out, but when you have a kid who goes through like 10-12 diapers a day, then yeah..we're almost out. She is almost 24 inches long and probably 11-12 pounds at this point (just ask my back) so I will just use these size 1's until they are gone and then I'll just switch to size 2.

On another note, I have a freeloader and I have no idea where it came from. I though hemorrhoids were supposed to happen like right after you gave birth and stuff. And I know I had them a bit during pregnancy, although they went away for the last 3 or so months. Hrmm..well I woke up the other day with an almond in my ass. Yes, I bent over with a mirror and looked. I had to know what I was in for. Just in time for ny 6 week pp too. What joy! So out came the witch hazel, store brand tucks, sitz bath and creams. *sigh* Like I have time to sitz? When I get 15 mins to my own, that is not the first thing that comes to my mind to do, you know? Laundry, vacuuming, dishes, swiffering..that is what takes that time. Arg..oh well. Back to the drawing board I guess.

Friday, September 18, 2009

~Bad day already..and it's not even 10AM yet!~

Ok was the big day. A real bath for the little lady. How exciting! The plan was to give her this warm fabulous real bath, dress her in a fuzzy fleecy outfit, then fill her belly to her hearts content, and then lay down for a nice nap. Who wouldn't want that kind of morning?

Apparently God had other plans for me today.

I get the bath all set up, including her clothes, new diaper, and all the other necesities one needs for a succesful baby bath. I follow the instructions on the bath...*snap* goes the bath. Perfect. Should have no leaks according to the directions. I give the bath a once over to make double sure. Looks good. I start to fill th ebath. While filling it I attept to "lock" the incline wedge into place (she needs to use the incline wedge because she can't sit up by herself) and find after much fidgeting, it won't lock, it just rests..hmm...that looks wobbly. Sure enough, it is very wobbly. Grrreeeaaat.

Wait a second..why are my feet feeling really warm right now? I look down. Oh shit. The bath has now leaked at least 3-4 gallon of water all over. On the counter, down the cabinets and lastly all over the floor; soaking my 2 kitchen rugs and running under the fridge and the oven. As I am wrapping my head around this fiasco I hear Madelyn decide this would be a great time to wake up and scream her head off. Jesus. Well I gotta tend to this water, well, at least get the majority up. So there I am at 8:00AM on my hands and knees with bath towels trying to get this water up all while hearing my daughter scream bloody murder from her swing. Gah.

Fine..most of the water is up, so I go get her and we settle down on the couch for her breakfast. it is then I realize I am also soaking wet from the knees down. Awesome.

Have I mentioned I have been awake for some degree since 2AM? *sigh*

I need a drink and it's not even 10AM yet....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

~Me time~

Yesterday I took some well deserved me time..well of course Madelyn was with me, but it was still me time as far as I am concerned. I said to myself, well the last 10 months have been all about you little lady, mommy needs something. So mommy went out and got her hair done. The last time I got it done was before my baby shower so that was what,'s now September and things were looking a bit scary above the shoulders.

Long gone is the blonde. And I mean GONE. I went dark. Like really dark. Darker than my natural color. And guess what? I freaking LOVE it!! I have no idea why I didn't do this before! Oh and I chopped off like 3 inches. I feel refreshed and new, a feeling I needed to feel.

Scott admitted to me the day before he was nervous and wasn't sure if he was ready to give up having a blonde wife. I said, well you can go get another one (blonde wife) but it will cost ya! ;) So he comes home yesterday and was just floored. He really likes it too. Although last night when we hugged and kissed goodnight he was a bit freaked out because it was different hair under his chin. He was like, wait..who are you? Heehee!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

~Wait, what?~

OK so I was just watching the Bonnie Hunt Show..which I love by the way..and there was a lady on there who stated that, "Breast fed babies poop does not smell. It smells like buttered popcorn."

Um..yeah ok..I don't know what babies she is talking about..but my kid's poop does not smell like buttered popcorn in the slightest. It smells like poop. Period. Case closed.

On the other hand it resembles coarse mustard in a very scary way. Now I know why one of my dearest friends loathes mustard.

~Some improvement & MIL..~

OK so we seem to be getting on to some sort of sleep/eat pattern and let me tell you I am *not* complaining one bit...ok maybe a little. During the day the little lady requests her table for one almost every 2 hours..sometimes it is more frequently. Like she'll settle down to eat at say 1, finish at 1:30 and then want to eat a again at 2 and finish at 3..but then won't want another reservation until about 5. I'd be inclined to call it cluster feeding if she didn't go 4 hours bewteen sittings during the night. Now do not think for one second that means Mommy is getting 4 hours of kill me! No. It will take her at least 4-5 diaper changes per feeding and 30-45 minutes after she is done to calm down enough to go to sleep. So you can see these feedings can easily last 1 1/2 and sometimes on a bad night 2 hours. *sigh*

Now on the other subject. Some people think it is taboo to talk about their MIL, I on the other hand say, if I know you and I am on this blog, you are fair game! I'll just change your name. :)

So the other day she comes over. Fab. Why "fab"? Well I need some sleep, and yes I know "sleep when the baby sleeps" is all well and good but the fact of the matter is you get much better sleep when there is another person in your home watching the kid. You actually sleep, and if you are lucky reach REM sleep, not hover over the bed with your eyes closed.

Anyways, she decides she wants to take Madelyn for a walk while I sleep. Even better. So I show her how to work the stroller/car seat. OK well more like I show myself how it works because the fucking woman I swear has ADD. I put the car seat in the stroller for her..all she had to do was put baby in and take baby out. I tried to make this super simple for her so she could wrap her pea brain around it. Apparently even that was too much. I am in the middle of my demostration when she decides that would be a cruicial time to mention that we have lots of black ants on our driveway. Yes Ellen I know this..can we pay attention? OK, still showing her how to secure Madelyn in the seat and; "Oh, don"t tell Scott but he looks like he has put on some weight." Um, are THIS close to me telling you that if you can't pay enough attention to this demo to make sure your grand daughter is safe and survives the walk, you will not and can not take her anywhere out of my fucking sight. Ever.

I decide ok, I'm done with this..I'm too tired right now to cater to you. You raised 3 kids, Lord knows how you didn't kill them, but shit, YOU figure it out. I'm going to bed. I'll see you in 3 hours.

I find out later she called Scott at work so he could come home and put Madelyn in the car seat for her. Do you bleive this?! And of course later on when he came home from work for real I had to explain myself. Good grief. Like I have the energy for this bullshit??? Eat your baked ziti and can it, ok?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

~I heart my husband~

He let me sleep from 5:30PM until 11:00PM this evening..what a Godsend!


I don't feel like failure, but I'm not patting myself on the back here either. I broke down this morning and gave Madelyn her first (and hopefully last) bottle of formula (Enfamil Gentlease). Why did I do it you must be asking yourself, especially after I went on and on about how much I loved breast feeding and how well she was doing. OK well here are my reasons:

Last night was, in a nutshell, horrendous. Actually, the last 2 nights were horrendous. For example, we'd wake at midnight and it would take her 1.5 hours to eat from both sides. Why so long, oh lets count 3 or 4 diaper changes per feed (she craps like no body's business), and at least 5 burps we have to get up and out of her. Then she'd decide she wanted a break and would do one of three things; fall asleep, do aerobics or play what I call "the latch game". First things first, falling asleep sounds great but in reality it is a ploy; she isn't really asleep. If she was really sleeping then me getting up from the rocker and putting her to bed would not rouse her, but in fact when I take the plunge and decide to get up and put her to bed, she in fact opens her eyes and looks at me like "how dare you move me". So yeah, the book will not be judged by its cover.

By "dancing" I mean she will stare out into space and move her legs as if she is dancing, swimming, running, whatever..and in the process of her doing her calisthenics, she kicks me in the gut or boobs. Highly unpleasant and extremely annoying. During these work outs she will not all.

Now the "latch game" which I think Madelyn finds hysterically funny given the faces that she makes while doing this, is probably one of the most painful things I have ever endured. This is where she will latch for like 30 seconds (or less) and then unlatch, then relatch and unlatch, and well you get the idea. And for anyone who has ever breastfed you know the latch is the most painful and hardest part of the whole process. Needless to say after 2 nights of this fiasco my nips are sore and swollen and the thought of having her latch one more time...yeah...

So my boobies needed a rest, and I gave it to them, sue me. Although I did pump twice this morning and got 4 oz each time in about 40 minutes. My goal here is to use one bottle for one night feeding now and the nuse the boob for the other, but then again...

OK you know how they say to time your feedings, right? You don't count when you ended but when you started, so like if you start at 1:00 you do the next one at 4:00 and then the next one at 7:00 etc etc..if you are on a 3 hour scheduale. Well, this is how it went down last night/yesterday (and yes I tried everything else before I gave her the boob again and again):
4:00AM-5:00AM (massive crying fit; put her in a "safe place", popped some ear plugs and slept..finally)
8:50AM-9:30AM (4 oz formula feed)

See my issues right now? Oh and not to even mention that in this time frame we had 19 poopie diapers.