Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Is this an omen of things to come? I hope not. Yesterday we went to the OB/GYN for the initial Downes Syndrome Screening. They do this nowadays by measuring the skin on the back of the baby's neck; thin is good, thick is bad. Amazing they can do this from an ultrasound! Anyways the little peanut just did not want to lay the right way, even after I jostled him/her about several times. We did get some new pictures which Scott has dubbed "Skelator", and I have to say, that is a pretty accurate description right now. So yeah, we have to go back next week and try again.

We could see all the vertebre clear as day, straight as an arrow, plus the fingers and legs; especially after I agitated him/ did s/he dance up a storm! The ultrasound tech did mention that she thought the sex could be a ______ due to something she saw on the ultrasound and indicated to us what that was, but she said not to quote her on it becasue in reality it was too soon to tell, however, if she is right it will confirm my belief. So we'll just have to wait and see!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Finally..both sets of parents know and now I can tell all my friends. That secret was so hard to keep. I was so anti-social since we came back from our vacation in December because I knew if I physically spoke to any of my friends or saw them out, I'd run my mouth and spill the beans. I know you all understand because most all of you have been there already, and I thank you for still being my friends even though I pretty much ignored most of you for the last 10 weeks.

So we told my parents in California Pizza Kitchen..not exactly when we wanted to do but it was our only choice. My mom was so cute..she hugged the picture, cried some, and then sat there swaying back and forth with this massive grin on her face clapping her hands softly going, "eeeeeeeeee!" Adorable. Then she proceeded to down and entire Maragrita in about 5 minutes. My dad was more subdued but no less excited. He was grinning from ear to ear.

Friday, January 9, 2009

One set down one to go!

OK so change of plans..happily I might add. We went out for Scott's mother's birthday last night, so we got to do the reveal a day early. She was so excited..more so than I imagined. She actually cried. Although I have to say it was pretty funny how it happened.

So we give her her present..framed pics of the ultrasound..she opens the box and is chatting away in her usual blonde oblivious manner.."oh, you got me a nice! I saw these frames in Pottery Barn..yadda yadda..." The The little brother who is in school for Physical Therapy and knows an ultrasound when he sees one says really quietly, "Hey..isn't that an ultrasound?" meanwhile Scott's mom is still blabbing about the frame, not even aware of what her youngest son just said. Then he pipes up and says, "Mom..don't you see what that is?!"
"Oh..oh..OH! Oh my God...!" She puts it to her chest and cries. It was great.

So then we go out to eat..and his dad joins us..he sits down, gets himself settled and we order our food. Then Scott blurts out, "So, would you like to be called 'grandpa'?
"Really?" Big grin. "Wow..hey that's great!"

It was a good night.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The big reveal is this weekend!

Oh yay..this should be fun. So tomorrow night we are going out to dinner with Scott's parents and brothers seeing it is his mom's birthday. So I decided, and we are using this tactic on both sets of parents, that we would make soem copies of the ultrasound pics and put them in a box, all wrapped up with Christmas wrapping paper, and be like, "Oh this just arrived! We had ordered this for Christmas for you guys and it came Christmas!" Then sit back and watch the fun. Evil I know, but totally unexpected at the same time.

I'm bummed we are tellign Scott's parents first, but you gotta make compromises, and also too, I know she wont be nearly as excited as my own whatever. It will still be fun.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It is official..just came back from the OB and we are officially 9 1/2 weeks pregnant! WOOHOO! That gives us a due date of August 8 2009..God help me with two Leos in the house!

Scott came with me to the appointment and he was so thrilled..especially when we got to hear the baby's fast! Also the little critter was not happy to be poked and prodded with the wand..movign all around trying to get out of the way..too funny.

Doctor said everything looks great and I am due back in 3 more weeks for another ultrasound and then 2 weeks later to see him...prolly to go over the bloodwork I got done today..5 viles..good grief..what are they going to do..sell it on the black market?