Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 26, 2009

~I swear..I'm on them..~

Yes I's not like me to let Thank-You notes go awry..been a bit busy actually..I have 4 more to go and then I will send them out. I can't do the "send out in waves thing" just doesn't sit well with me..I like to get it all done at once.

And I just love how this baby bar says something about "mommy's newly formed cankles.." Newly formed? HA! They have been there since May thank you very much and show no sign of stopping. On the flip side, I know that lots of the weight I have gained has come in the form of water, so yay for after the baby pops out I can pee it all out.

On the bad side of it all coming in water..I think my wedding ring has permanently attached itself to my finger. NOT GOOD. I mean, it can still move it around and all but I can't get it off..not for lack of trying either. I hope I don't have to get it cut..oh God..that would be bad. If it was just a simple band of platinum I don't think I'd be freaking out about it as it is, it's a band with bevel set diamonds all around..I can just see it now..*ping* *pang* *sigh* However, I did have the foresight to remove the diamond solitaire engagement ring so I suppose cutting 1 ring is better than cutting two rings.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

~It's a Baby Shower~

So Saturday was my baby shower, and I have to say, I actually had a really good time. When I first planned it I was really excited about the whole thing, and as it got closer the anxiety began setting in. By the time the day came, I didn't even want to go and was dreading it. I think it is the whole "center of attention" thing. For those of you who know me this may sound a bit surprising..but yeah, in those sort of situations I do not like being the center of attention. If I could have washed a Xanax down with a shot of cuervo that day, I would have. At home, or when I am out, that is different, but for some reason when it's a party for *me*, I can't deal.

I'm happy to report that on the whole the food did not disappoint, although I thought the portions were a bit small and the salad was weak. However, they made up for it with the size of the dessert..holy cow the tirimisu was enormous and I heard the flourless chocolate cake tasted like fudge, so yay on that note!

I don't know if it was just me, but the room got *really* hot. And by the end I was sweating bullets.

But yes, all in all it was a great afternoon surrounded by loving supportive family and good friends. And I guess if you can rate the "fun factor" of an event by the noise level in the room, I'd say this was a great success!

My little girl received so many wonderful things to help her on her start in life, and Scott and I could not be more appreciative. It was lots of work for mommy though the next day as it turned into 3 loads of laundry and lots of carrying up the stairs, but it was all for a good cause.

Now my nemesis rears it's head..the 'thank you' notes. I'm so bad at writing them, like I wish there was "Mad Libs" for 'thank-yous'. Like, "Thank you for the (noun). We will (verb) with it all the time. It was (adjective) for you to (verb) of us on this special day. Etc etc.." You get the are in the works and hopefully will be sent out by the end of this week.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

~Pediatrician interview~

So we went to our first Pediatrician interview yesterday. Mixed feelings.

Are all Pediatrician offices run down looking? You know, stains on the carpet and beat up toys and books? I mean, I know I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but I had no idea what to expect. So someone help me out here. Maybe I am unjustly comparing this office to my own doctor's waiting rooms which are pristine in cleanliness and order.

The good point is they have rights to Children's Medical Center in Hartford Hospital. However, I am wondering if all Central Connecticut Hospitals have those rights..something to research. Another plus is this office is literally 7 minutes door-to-door. There is always at least ONE doctor from this practice that is on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week..and if you need them they will see you at the office..even on Saturdays. I *love* that, but is that a standard practice among Pediatricians? They will do consultations over the phone. They will work with you concerning vaccine scheduales.

I chose to interview this Pediatrician for a few reasons;
1. A woman
2. She is a certified lactation consultant
3. She is close to our age
4. She is also a mom

Why are these things important?
1. I want my child to know that she can achieve anything she wants, and by seeing a doctor who is a woman I think can send that message.
2. I plan on breastfeeding (and if she refuses to latch..I'll pump) and it seemed only natural to try and find someone with this credential.
3. I want someone who is on the same wavelength, you know, I can speak to as a peer, and also someone I know who won't be retiring in 10 years.
4. I like someone who can see both sides of a concern.

She was nice and all..although Scott got mad when she talked over reminded him that he was in HER office and not the other way around.

I don't know..I am having issues with the cleanliness factor of the waiting room, yet the rest of the place seemed clean enough. Plus they had all sorts of Red Sox stuff on the walls, which was a huge plus for me. ;)

Monday, June 8, 2009

~I've been told I'm full of shit before but this is ridiculous~

It seems like I can't stop pooing right now. I just don't get it. I get that "get outta my way" feeling, run to the toilet, and the first round is fabulous..the second not so much and then it just starts to peter out..but yet I go like at least 5 times before noon! The look and color is totally normal, so I'm not all bent out of shape about that, it's just that well, I'd like to have a normal morning!!! I feel like I am stuck in the house until lunchtime. Not only poor little starfish! She has never ever gotten this much abuse. :( Thank goodness for wipes with aloe and witch hazel..I have no idea how people can stand this with plain old dry paper.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

~Bittersweet OB visit~

So I went back to the doc yesterday and the good news is I passed my 1 hour glucose test..yay! And then Doc tried taking her heartbeat and she was such the wiggleworm. He says to me, "Jeez, she is all over the place." I said, "You're telling ME?!" She never stops. Even right now my right boob is moving as if possessed.

Also had my first Braxton-Hicks on Monday morning, which was quite interesting. I was always wondering 'how do you know when you have them?' Apparently, you just know. I have had a few more since then but nothing major. It was just a nice reminder that I should really put a beach towel in my car which I did this morning and the perk is, I'm now taller in the car!

The bad news is I gained 20 pounds since my last visit (4 weeks ago) which puts me at a whopping 194lbs. I had a borderline nervous breakdown about that yesterday..crying fits, depression..the whole nine. After I slept on it, rather fitfully I might add, I have come to the conclusion that as long as it seems to be ok with my doc (which it is) then there is nothing to fret about. It is what it is.

Also I talked to my mom and some friends yesterday about it and they were very positive about the whole thing, and Scott was just the sweetest..thankfully he was there in the office when it happened. He told me I was and always will be beautiful to him, after all "you're carrying my child." I did break down again when he came home, and again he was just so sweet, he said he had been worried about me all afternoon because of how I was feeling when we left the doc and all that. He even took the blame which I thought was amusing.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

~Shower vent~ this really friggin' annoys me..and maybe I'm just hormonal and all but when you get an invitation to an event; wedding, shower, birthday party etc.. you respond 'yes' or 'no' to the host or hostess unless otherwise stated, i.e., "regrets only".

So we sent the shower invites out about a month ago..and well over a month prior to the actual shower. I sent out 45; got 27 yeas. A little over half. Sweet, right? Personally..I'm just happy I'm going to make the restaurant the minimum money required to have the room. Well I guess I'd feel better if some people actually called or emailed the hostess and told her yes or no. I that rude to just not respond at all or is it just me? People did that for my wedding too and it wasn't like I didn't send them an envelope with a stamp on it 2 months out! Like how hard was it to check a little box, lick and seal the envelope and pop it in the mail? Apparently even that was too taxing for some people to do so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that typing in an email would just put undue stress on them for days on end.

The kicker is these are the people who always bitch and moan that there are never any happy occasions in our family and we seem to only get together for wakes and funerals.

However, even though I am just fuming about the rudesss of some people (the majority of which are my blood relatives), I know that who will be there will really want to be there and who will be there will be who *I* really want to be there. So it will all work out in the end I suppose.

~Side Note~
I got a carseat in the mail this week off my registry which was pretty exciting, and I knew it was from my Godmother because I knew she wouldn't be in attendance at the shower due to a vacation they had planned. Oddly enough she wasn't at my wedding shower or my wedding either..but that is a story for another time.

So anyways, let me preface this for you a Godparents are rolling in money..they are not poor. They live in a paid for in full 800k condo (which was bought 5 years ago for a bit over 4ook), go on incredible vacations every year (China, cruises down the Nile..etc..) and so on. As a kid my Godfather would slip $10s, $20s and the occasional $50 in my hand. When I graduated college in 1998, they presented me a check for $500, which today is still a chunk of change but in 1998, it was astronomical. They never had kids of their own so they always treated me like a daughter. That all being said, I was kinda expecting the stroller to go along with the car seat. Be that as it may, she *split* the cost of the gift with someone else. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for any gift on my registry I receive, but my expectation with her is a bit higher, which I think is justified.

Oh, and she didn't even splurge for the gift wrapping or a card. My card came in the form of an email.