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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

~Back from the Doctor~

So I went in today to the doc for routine biggie. Well, ok ..*I'm* biggie..210 lbs to be exact. Yipes! That's a lot of me to love! Oh well, it is what it is and the doc didn't seem to care so guess what...NEITHER DO I!

On a nicer note I came back Strep-B that is good news to me.

I also got a referral to a hand specialist who I am going to go see on Friday for this God awful Carpel Tunnel Syndrome that has been keeping me up at night. Last night between that and my hips I probably got all of 3 hours of sleep. As soon as the Tylenol wears off and the BioFreeze wears off it's pain central. Poor Scott..I wonder if he gets as much sleep as I do right now? I did get some advice on how to help stretch my hips a bit, so I will try that later on today and see how that works.

I still need a belly support belt, but I am thinking maybe I can use Scott's lifting belt while I am around the house. He bought one when him and his brother were building our bluestone patio..same concept, right?

1 comment:

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I bet the belt would work. Same concept. Hope the new doc can help with your carpal tunnel.