Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 26, 2009

~I swear..I'm on them..~

Yes I's not like me to let Thank-You notes go awry..been a bit busy actually..I have 4 more to go and then I will send them out. I can't do the "send out in waves thing" just doesn't sit well with me..I like to get it all done at once.

And I just love how this baby bar says something about "mommy's newly formed cankles.." Newly formed? HA! They have been there since May thank you very much and show no sign of stopping. On the flip side, I know that lots of the weight I have gained has come in the form of water, so yay for after the baby pops out I can pee it all out.

On the bad side of it all coming in water..I think my wedding ring has permanently attached itself to my finger. NOT GOOD. I mean, it can still move it around and all but I can't get it off..not for lack of trying either. I hope I don't have to get it cut..oh God..that would be bad. If it was just a simple band of platinum I don't think I'd be freaking out about it as it is, it's a band with bevel set diamonds all around..I can just see it now..*ping* *pang* *sigh* However, I did have the foresight to remove the diamond solitaire engagement ring so I suppose cutting 1 ring is better than cutting two rings.


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Stick your hand in cold water to reduce swelling. Worth a try. I just got my thank you in the mail today for the kids birthday party. I feel releived.

Lisa said...

I took both of my rings off probably around 7 or 8 months and couldn't get them back on again for months after Keller was born! I hope you don't have to get it cut:( You won't.

Amy and Joe said...

I can't believe you're still wearing your rings!!!! I took mine off around 6 months,I think, and I STILL haven't put them back on...not for lack of wanting to of course, but because honestly, my hands have not quit swelling...(insert your own reason here)...even over a year later :D