Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

~It's a Baby Shower~

So Saturday was my baby shower, and I have to say, I actually had a really good time. When I first planned it I was really excited about the whole thing, and as it got closer the anxiety began setting in. By the time the day came, I didn't even want to go and was dreading it. I think it is the whole "center of attention" thing. For those of you who know me this may sound a bit surprising..but yeah, in those sort of situations I do not like being the center of attention. If I could have washed a Xanax down with a shot of cuervo that day, I would have. At home, or when I am out, that is different, but for some reason when it's a party for *me*, I can't deal.

I'm happy to report that on the whole the food did not disappoint, although I thought the portions were a bit small and the salad was weak. However, they made up for it with the size of the dessert..holy cow the tirimisu was enormous and I heard the flourless chocolate cake tasted like fudge, so yay on that note!

I don't know if it was just me, but the room got *really* hot. And by the end I was sweating bullets.

But yes, all in all it was a great afternoon surrounded by loving supportive family and good friends. And I guess if you can rate the "fun factor" of an event by the noise level in the room, I'd say this was a great success!

My little girl received so many wonderful things to help her on her start in life, and Scott and I could not be more appreciative. It was lots of work for mommy though the next day as it turned into 3 loads of laundry and lots of carrying up the stairs, but it was all for a good cause.

Now my nemesis rears it's head..the 'thank you' notes. I'm so bad at writing them, like I wish there was "Mad Libs" for 'thank-yous'. Like, "Thank you for the (noun). We will (verb) with it all the time. It was (adjective) for you to (verb) of us on this special day. Etc etc.." You get the are in the works and hopefully will be sent out by the end of this week.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

The food was delicious, all of it, even the chocolate bar...and how about that bread??? mmmmmmm! I had a delightful time at my table of gals:) Loved watching you open all of your goodies! You're definitely going to have one well dressed little girlie...not surprising though. And hey, thanks for the hair tips...I'll let you know how things go! xoxo