Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 28, 2009

~Pediatrician visit~

Well it seems she is getting enough to eat..something that is hard to judge when you are feeding via the breast. She is up to 8.5 lbs, 21.25 inches long and her head circumference puts her in the 75th percentile.

Her weight puts her in the 50 percentile and her length puts her in the 75th...yay! Also her bloodshot eye that is still bloodshot will just take some extra time to get better..her cord fell off today..Oh what a big girl she is now! And that horrible choking noise (striding the doc called it) she makes when she is sleeping is totally normal. So nice to be reaffirmed that things are going well from someone who knows what they are doing!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

~I heart Breastfeeding~

No really..I do! It's so easy too..although I know some of you out there do not want to hear me go on and on about how easy it is, seeing lots of people have had trouble. I love the bonding and it relaxes me when we feed. Sure the first few days were painful, no doubt about that, but after sticking it out, one day she latched and the pain was fleeting..just for the first few initial sucks, and then ahhhh.... nothing.

I feel bad though because Scott hasn't been able to give her a bottle yet, and all she does is scream for 2-3 hours after he comes home...although that will change tonight! She was able to take a bottle yesterday from me, drank 2 oz in 15 minutes and promptly passed out cold. So tonight the plan is for Scott to give her her "dream feed" (the last feeding before she is put to bed) and see how she does. It will be awesome to see those two together too! He needs the (positive) bonding as he is convinced she hates his guts..every time he picks her up she screams..poor guy. He even said the other day, "All she will love me for are my credit cards."

And on a completely random and different note I need to give a shout out and a HUGE thank you to my mom who has driven 2 hours every day this week so far to help me out and hang out with the little girl. She rocks!

Monday, August 24, 2009

~Madelyn Rachel has arrived~

I know I haven't updated in a while but I have been a bit birth and all!

OK so after about 17 hours of labor and 1 hour of pushing, my little girl has made her way into the world.

Her stats:
Aug 14 2009
7.78 lbs
19 inches long
full head of dark brown hair

I went in to be induced at 7am on August 13th..and by 7:30 I was already harboring a capsule of misoprostal to get things moving. Six hours later I had dilated 1 more cm so we began the pitocin. At that point Scott decided it was probably going to be his last chance to get something from the cafeteria to eat so he took it. And about 5 minutes after he was gone I was in excruciating pain, but I waited it out until the nurse came back in the room..which seemed like an eternity but in fact was only like 2 more minutes. I caved and asked her for ther epidural. She knew how I felt about it from the beginning and asked me why I thought I suddenly needed it. I said well looking at the print out and the contraction monitor, you'll see that I have never really had a break from them. They never "flatlined" so to for the last 6 hours I have been having one long continuous contraction (more or less) that just differed here and there on degrees of pain. Yes I am in pain, but I am more concerned about later when I have to push, I may not have the energy because I was not able to realx. She took a look and agreed with me that for the past 6 hours my body had not had a break and ordered the epidural.

Scott came back abot 5 minutes later and I told him I caved and the anethesiologists were on their way. No sooner did those words escape my lips then *bam*..they were in the about service! The team was 1 Resident, 1 Nurse and 1 Doctor. Obviously, they were going to have th Resident do the catheter. Fine. The doctor is *right* there. He won't allow them to hurt me....much. Long story short, after the Resident audibly exclaimed, "Oops!" and I felt a trickle of *something* down my back, the Doctor bascially pushed him aside and said he was making him "neurotic" and did it himself. Ahh..relief.

After about 1 hour of pitocin..they turned it off and I went the rest of the way all by myself..4cm to 10cm in about 4-5 hours.

Fast forward to 11:30PM..massive pain on my right side..we call the anethesiologist and she gave me 4 injections..none of which made any difference. The nurse suggested maybe I start pushing..WHAT?!?! You want me to WHAT?!?! Oh's real now!! So I gave it a few tries, but I felt like I was expending wastefully, so we decided to wait another hour and try again. So we wait.

12:45AM...the next day...let's push...oooookaaaaay...

Epidural got turned down per my request seeing I was having a hard time feeling anything and I wanted we went from 10cc to 8cc..and that made a world of difference. Friggin' awesome! Pop! Out came her head..holy relief...and them *sploosh*..out comes the rest of her...and then that amazing feeling of " one wants anything from me right now so I can just lay here and be giddy all alone.."

She came out screaming and scored 9/9 on her APGAR. Not even a trace of vernix on her, and she certainly did not look like a newborn, with the exception of her cone head.

Oh and Scott saw the ENTIRE thing..*sigh* So much for keeping *that* a mystery!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

~Getting aquainted with my own mortality~

Last night when I was laying in bed I began to have a panic. I suddenly had the overwhelming feeling that I am going to die in birth or shortly thereafter. I totally flipped out and started crying..of course I didn't tell Scott why I was crying I just said, "Oh I'm just freaked out now that we have a definite end date in sight and I need to get my big girl panties on, that's all." I figured one freaked out person was enough for the evening.

Is this a normal feeling? Do all first time, maybe second and third time moms have this vision of the Grim Reaper? Or is it just that I am suddenly not going to be the last in line in the family tree anymore and that has shaken me up a bit?

A few months back my mother told me her birth story, that began with me being 10 days late, continued with 48 hours of non-induced labor (most of it back labor) and ended with her hemorrhaging on the couch at home and my Dad rushing her to the ER for emergency surgery and several blood transfusions. I often wonder if my Dad had not been trained as a Navy Corpsman during the Vietnam conflict, would he have known the signs and been able to save my mother. I think any other "normal" person would have sat there and waited for the ambulance, however he had the presence of mind to know that the ambulance ride would have ultimately killed her and brought her himself.

My mother is an only child and so am I. My grandmother was 1 of 2. It makes me wonder if when my mother was born her mother had the same issue. However, back in the 1940's women stayed for 2 weeks in the hospital and childbirth wasn't exactly the celebrated family supported event it is now with your husband in the room with you holding your hand. Everything was hush-hush, so if that was the case, I'll never know.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

~Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus...~

If nothing else happens in the next 48 hours, I have a standing appointment at L&D for Thursday, August 13 at 6:00AM (so much for going in in the evening) at New Britain General. YAY! So look out for radio silence mode.

On another exciting note, the LO's furniture finally made it's debut, (thanks to the help of her future Uncle Reed) and is in the process now of being set-up. The dresser and end table are together, since they came that way, but the crib is still in pieces. I have to tell you it is taking all of my willpower not to put it together!

All her clothes are put away, but the bedding of course is still all strewn about seeing where it needs to go is not put together..sigh..oh well...Scott promised me that he'd put it together this evening as long as we were still home of course.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Ok so we went this morning to get the NST (Non Stress Test) at the OB/GYN's office, a fluid check and internal. Fluid is totally normal and still holding at 80% effaced and 1cm dilated. However, I am apparently having contractions that are 1 minute apart, some I feel and some I don't.

He is convinced that I will have active labor within the next 24-48 hours. I am also to call him tommorrow if nothing happens. And if nothing is happening I will be admitted to the hospital in the evening to have schedualed induction by the end of the week. So I suppose it is safe to say I will have a baby no later than Saturday.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


So the due date of August 8th, 2009 has come and gone. Why oh why am I not surprised? I know a while back I said I thought I'd go early..but in all reality..I never really believed the doctor when he told me my due date back in January. I was thinking, if that is true then that means I had to have had sex the day after my period immediately, and that never ever happens. I'm just never really *done* when it's over..for at least a week...hmm..

Over the past 3 days I have consumed more spicy food than one can imagine and all I have gotten from it was some heartburn that over rode my Prevacid. Bah.

I know she'll come when she comes, but I'm so sick of being pregnant!!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

~Am I a horrible person?~

Why oh why do I feel this way?

Scott said to me Wednesday night, hey my mom is probably going to call you tomorrow and ask to come up with Lewis. In a nutshell I basically said I wasn't up to seeing anyone, even if it was the Pope flanked by Al Gore and Bill Clinton. So then he says, "well you don't have to then." But Scott, I *feel* like I have to..don't you get it? (It's that whole I'm-afraid-to-offend-the-MIL-thing) So I start cleaning the friggin' house at 8:00PM. He says, "you're just cleaning because my mother might come tomorrow."
I said, "I'd clean if *anyone* was coming tomorrow"..duh!
So then he says, "I'll call her and tell her not to, you shouldn't be worrying about things like this now."
I reply, "'s fine," in that stubborn defeated tone of voice. He says, "I'm calling closed."
"Thank you, honey."
So it was done, so I thought.

So then yesterday at 9:00AM my MIL called and basically invited herself and my BIL over during lunchtime. I was kinda hinting that I didn't want anyone over (Hello, I am due on Saturday!) and that there was nothing for lunch here. So then she said, "well I'll take you out to lunch and will pick you up around 12:30-1:00." I reply, "ok, well I know you'll want to go to Marshall's too while you are Lewis are up here, I however will not be joining you on that safari. I'm pretty much dead at 2:00." She said, "Well when I was in the last stages of pregnancy with Reed (other BIL) I could barely move. But anyways, well we'll see you then.." *click* Fuck. Didn't she talk to Scott???

I call Scott and tell him what is going on. He's dumbfounded I said it was ok for her to come over...I was like..I felt like I didn't have a choice. I'm in tears now, borderline hysterical (hormones, I know) and he says that he is calling her now. I hang up and have a meltdown. I'm tired of being the "entertainment". I'm just tired of it all. Scott calls back and says he can't get a hold of either of them and left messages on their cel phones. I tell him thank you and that it's ok and it's my fault. We hang up. Double fuck.

He calls back 5 minutes later and says I just talked to my mother and they were like 3 exits away. Was she mad? No, but she didn't understand why you couldn't tell her yourself. Insert big drawn out sigh from me here. So I apparently offended her *more* by not telling her I didn't want an audience. Triple fuck. I can't win.

Now here is the kicker; a few days ago I had a conversation with Scott about how his mother has a tendency to offend me with the things she says. For example, she said our nursery paint looked like Pepto Bismol. Um, excuse me? Who fucking asked your opinion (#1) and (#2) hasn't anyone ever taught you the difference between constructive criticism and insults? Another example is this: "Well, 50 lbs on me (she is 5' 11" and I am 5' 4") looks *much* different than 50 lbs on *you*." Fuck. You.

Do you not know when to stop talking? Ever? Do you like the sound of your own voice that much?

His mother is a knitter, sewer and painter..she is quite crafty. I said to him in a million years I would never ever say anything negative about any project your mother created. Even if I hated it to no end, I'd search my brain for something positive to say about it. Why? Because that is the respectful thing to do.

You could see he felt bad, and apologized for her behavior, and even offered to call her and talk to her about it on my behalf. I declined and told him that I appreciate the offer (more than he'll ever know) but it is my battle to fight and one day I will say something about it. I assured him though that when I do have the conversation, I will not yell scream and carry on like a banshee, but have it like 2 adults in a respectful conversation. I also added that if anyone (my mother, his mother, etc..) says anything derogatory like that concerning our daughter, I will tell them where to stick it and it may not be a pretty sight.

So where am I going with this you may ask? I am just hoping he does not think these 2 incidents are related, because they certainly are not.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

~Will I miss this?~

OK, I don't think I will technically miss being pregnant, but I think there are things about being pregnant I will miss:

1) Crying for no reason and have no one ask me, "What's wrong?"
2) Giant bowls of ice cream on a daily basis at 8:00PM.
3) Saying what I want, when I want without consequence.
4) Napping during the day being a requirement, rather than a luxury.
5) Eating 5-6 meals a day.
6) Whole milk.
7) Twelve oreos at a sitting.
8) Not doing any yard work.
9) Having people put my groceries in my car for me.
10) People moving out of my way without being asked.
11) Not having my period for 9 months.

Some of the things I will not miss:

1) Wearing a pantyliner on a daily basis and if I forget, having wet underwear.
2) Sneezing and peeing simultaneously.
3) Being sweaty 24/7.
4) Not being able to park my car in the garage.
5) Walking 2 miles an hour to get where I am going.
6) Not being able to see my feet.
7) Hip pain!
8) Peeing 5 times or more during the night.
9) Using baby powder like it's going out of style.
10) Throwing up for no reason at all.
11) Snoring!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

~Holding steady...~

Ah yes so we went back to the doctor yesterday, and from the way I was feeling I was sure there would be a all know those lovely sharp pains that shoot right up your coocher? yeah..*those* are a fun time. From having those for about a week I was sure that meant something. Well it did, it meant I was having sharp pains shoot up my coocher, nothing else. Gah. So as it stands I am still 1cm dilated and 80% effaced.

So, the plan is this: I have an appointment scheduled for Monday at 9:00AM, which I will keep (obviously) if nothing happens over the weekend. If I do indeed still show for the Monday appointment, I will be hooked up to the monitors (fetal and contraction) for however long that test takes and have another ultrasound. Then we will determine what day, well actually what night is more likely, I will be induced starting with the vaginal suppositories (Scott flinched when he heard and then the pitocin.

I will be texting from the room more than likely to give some updates here and there. Scott does have a laptop but it's for work and none of my stuff is on there so emails will not be forthcoming, although stand by for the blackberry picture! Guess I'd better gather all those email addresses together I will need...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

~FOUND: 1 Pediatrician~

I am so I had what was to be my last interview with a Pediatrician. Why my last? Not because I wanted it to be but basically because time is not on my side anymore. However, it seems this was all I needed anyways!

I went to speak with the doctor at 9:00AM..she is 7 minutes from my house. The building is fairly new, however, her office, waiting room, and exam rooms are immaculate. You could seriously eat off the floor. Not only is she younger (she has been out of school maybe 9-10 years), she is extremely well spoken, has very good bedside manner, and is from Pakistan. She speaks 4 languages; English, Spanish, Hindi (spoken in India, Fiji, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh), and Urdu (spoken in Pakistan and parts of India). She wears a head scarf, lots of gold bangle bracelets, and a borderline Burka.

It was very important to me to have a woman doctor (number one) but also a doctor who didn't look like a doctor. What I mean is this; when I was growing up all doctors were white men, wore white coats, and had hairy noses and ears. Just like 90% of teachers were white women, wore heels, wore too much red lipstick, and smelled like mothballs. I wanted someone who "broke my mold" and could show my daughter that no matter where you come from you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it.