Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, May 3, 2010


So over the past 4 days we tried out the gDiaper. I wanted these to pave the way for cloth diapering. I wanted to love them.

Babies R' Us said I could return them with my receipt if I hated them so swallowing the initial start-up cost of $30 for 2 gPants wasn't so bad.

In short, the g is a biodegradable flushable diaper that cantains no plastic layer, no chemicals, no perfumes, no inks or dyes and no latex. They sell flushie gRefills and gCloth too if you are so inclined.

They were very easy to lock and load, and after a few changes I became quite adept at the process, and found it really did not take any longer than changing a normal 'sposie. Plus I noted Madelyn looked seriously cute with that little "g" on her butt. They did break down and flush just like the company claimed, which was very nice, but since our pipes are from 1949, flushing them isn't the best idea around here.

What I didn't like is when wet they bunched up and became very hard, which I thought couldn't be very comfortable. Plus the wetness stayed in one spot and wasn't dispersed as it seems to be in the 'sposie. Madleyn's clothes fit awkwardly over them as they do have a larger mass than a 'sposie, and I noticed she had a harder time trying to crawl; not like she is crawling anyways, but there seemed to be much more expenditure of energy on her part to try.

Overall the concept is a good one, as it is a greener choice, however, they sadly did not work for us.

Next up; 7th Generation.

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