Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

~9 month check-up and band-aids~

Craptastic. That is how I can describe our 9 month check. On Friday we went from "you officially have what we refer to as a 'big baby'" to bugged out eyes, rechecking her weight and a referral to Birth 2-3.

Stats as follows:
Height: 27.25 (gained 1.25 inches)
HC: 45.5 cm (gained 1.5 cm)
Weight: 16.6 (LOST 3 oz)

She eats all her required food, and then some, like a horse, so I have no idea how on earth she lost weight. She does not crawl, creep, pull up, or cruise either. Lost.

So Monday we packed up and went to the CT Children's Medical Center to get some blood drawn to check on a few things, thyroid issues being the one that stands out in my head. She got her very first band aid, Garfield to be exact. Ya..big fat hairy deal. We should know the results by the end of this week so I'm pretty much on pins and needles for the time being.

Madelyn also has not rolled over since Lord knows when, so Birth 2-3 will be coming over to the house to check her motor skill development during the first week in June.

Waiting game. Gotta love it.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I hope everything turns out all right with the tests. Please let us know when you can.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Hope you hear some news soon.