Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 20, 2009

~Dancing Queen~

The wee bairn has begin to dance dance dance..all day and almost all night. Scott gets a kick (literally) out of her kicking him when he puts his hand on my belly. He just gets so giddy and the grin on his face could not be any wider. I just laugh and tell him, "See what I have been going through all this time? She beats me up from the inside out!" My belly has even begin to visually move, which is a bit creepy I have to admit. Amazing how strong she is already! Scott keeps saying, "Oh I can't wait until I see an arm move across your belly.." Well keep really isn't all that comfortable to be honest when she decides to do her flips, jumps, and kicks, especially when my bladder seems to be the dance floor!

On another note, I do seem to be feeling better although the congestion won't quit. I don't think I'd mind so much if I was able to blow my nose and be done with it. As it is, it's going to opposite direction, which basically makes me gag all day long.

Room still isn't painted.

Oh well!

1 comment:

Amy and Joe said...

LOL!!! Sorry. Just wait until she hangs on your ribs and takes a swift kick to your lungs. :D