Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 26, 2008

The never ending headache..

So like at clockwork everyday for the past week I get this headache that over the course of the afternoon and evening morphs into something that resembles a migraine-on-the-way. Horrible. The worst one so far was Christmas Eve when I had to excuse myself from festivities to lie down in the dark and the quiet for a bit..making the excuse of, "I'm so exhausted from work and blah blah blah.." I think Scott's family bought least I hope so.

And the whole not drinking wine/beer in front of people I know is awkward as well. I keep telling people I'm just dehydrated..which isn't a lie actually because I am. Like I wake up in the morning, I choke down my breakfast, brush my teeth and my mouth is hangover sticky...and by the time I get to work I could possibly drink Lake Superior.

So because I have been addicted to the water bottle as of late, Scott bought me a camelback brand forever water bottle, complete with a know no BPAs or whatever leeches out of reused regular water bottles. I love it! So conveneent and it holds 250mL, which is fabulous! Oh, and it's pink too.

So yeah, I know I have to wait until January 7th for the doc to tell me what sorts of painkillers to take..but it's so awful; I can't live like this... So. Much. Pain.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I had those headaches too...