I am a full time stay at home mom..and UGH..I had a horrible moment this past weekend when we went to the shopping outlets. I was in J Crew drooling over the cutest seek-sucker shorts with pink anchors on them, and when I asked about a certain size, they sales lady said, "We only go up to a 14."
..ok so I just weighed myself..I am 5 foot 4 and I am at 182 lbs..my BMI is 31..yup..OBESE.. Gross! I gave birth 6 mos ago, and the whole "I just had a baby" excuse is starting to sound feeble.
I was an on again off again "weight watcher" prior to becoming pregnant..that program does work if you stick to it..the problem is..when I was doing that I ate lots of dairy; fat free yogurt, string cheese, baby bell, cottage cheese..those were all great snacks and salad add ons..now I replace dairy with carbs carbs and more carbs! It's horrible. Not only that, those great microwavable no-brainer meals they sell, which I used to pair with a salad..no more..99% of them contain some kind of dairy. So when I am hungry I reach for some crackers, a slice of bread...not the usual yogurt and string cheese/apple combo..fruit alone does not do the trick either. I'll wolf down 4 healthy clementines and think, "Oh that was 8 points..I could have had a slice of bread with some jelly on it and a cup of oj instead..which would be less healthy but much more filling.."
I know I need to get more active..once the weather changes I will be able to, as right now I go to yoga (Baby and Mom Class) once a week..and that is all I can do because I can't get a sitter during the day to go to any more classes, and my Madelyn nurses exclusively so I can't go at night while Scott gives her a bottle. And I'm not pumping..it just does not work for me.