Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 16, 2009

~Top 25 Things~

So here is my list of Top 25 Things people may or may not have told you about pregnancy.

1. You will puke so violently that it will come out your nose.
2. You will not be able to sit in a restaurant for more than 10 minutes.
3. You will smell..down there.
4. One minute you are fine, the next you are ravenous but yet only eat 5 bites.
5. Your body will cue you as to what you need; throw beliefs aside and eat at will.
6. If you get sick, you certainly can take an antibiotic and all will be well inutero.
7. Ice cold water is the best beverage ever.
8. You will not gradually get tired; you will crash...hard.
9. You will be wearing maternity clothes sooner than you think; embrace it and be comfortable.
10. Everyone will have an opinion on how to raise the child that is not even born yet.
11. You will need to pee every 10 minutes and then when you finally go, it's a dribble.
12. The smell of your own crap will make you want to puke.
13. Your boobs will get humongous overnight.
14. Throw out all your underwear and start new.
15. You and only you know your body; get advice from your post pregnant friends and your doctor and then do what feels right for you.
16. Say yes when offered free maternity clothes for short-term rental.
17. Hang out with other moms for some on the job training.
18. This is not the time to be squeamish about anything.
19. Your face will either break out like a 14 year old or you'll have the most beautiful skin of your life.
20. You will gain lots of weight.
21. Your husband will see you as the sexiest woman alive.
22. You will fart and belch, putting Fraternity Brothers to shame.
23. People will touch your belly and it's o.k. to tell them not to.
24. No matter how organized and ready you think you are, when the time comes, you probably won't be.
25. When you cough or sneeze, you'll end up peeing your pants.