Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So I had my lovely period for all of 4 days and I have been spotting ever since. What gives? Like sorry but that does not make me feel sexy enough to have sex thanks. So no baby making has occurred all month. Lame..I sex since Nov 6th..ok well Nov got me on that one.

Sadly this is actually quite normal in this household..the lack of idea why..this whole baby making process is like a job..a chore just get it over with desire to have sex..none at all. But then again, like I said, that's normal for this household. Sigh...

Thursday, November 6, 2008


" the white sheets", he said as he slipped out of the room to 'clean up'. Huh? mean watch them because I'm apparently now spotting and had no idea until we were done having sex. Nice. Now the nice new white sheets are spotted too.

So I have been spotting since Nov clue why..I took a test for shits and giggles and got the old one pink line whatever..but I'm not due for my period until Nov 9th. So who knows?

However, I do remember the last week of October feeling my insides shift around as I was pushing the idea what that was all about. And no, it was not gas.

EDIT: 15 minutes after I posted this blog I gt my period in FULL FORCE. There is something just wrong about bleeding down your hand while inserting a tampon.